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Ring of Honor

Weekly Episodes

555 Ring of Honor matches

Number Singles (184) Womens Singles (118) Tag (88) Womens Tag (0) Trio (41) Womens Trio (0) Group (0)
184 Singles 118 88 0 41 0 0

2023 Ring of Honor Matches & Womens per show

Date Matches Womens
22nd Feb 2024 (5/9) 9 5
15th Feb 2024 (3/9) 9 3
08th Feb 2024 (3/9) 9 3
01st Feb 2024 (4/12) 12 4
25th Jan 2024 (5/15) 15 5
18th Jan 2024 (2/9) 9 2
11th Jan 2024 (3/13) 13 3
04th Jan 2024 (3/9) 9 3
28th Dec 2023 (3/7) 7 3
21st Dec 2023 (3/10) 10 3
14th Dec 2023 (3/11) 11 3
07th Dec 2023 (3/11) 11 3
01st Dec 2023 (4/13) 13 4
23rd Nov 2023 (2/7) 7 2
16th Nov 2023 (4/9) 9 4
09th Nov 2023 (3/10) 10 3
02nd Nov 2023 (4/11) 11 4
26th Oct 2023 (3/10) 10 3
19th Oct 2023 (4/12) 12 4
12th Oct 2023 (4/13) 13 4
05th Oct 2023 (3/12) 12 3
28th Sep 2023 (3/13) 13 3
21st Sep 2023 (3/10) 10 3
14th Sep 2023 (2/11) 11 2
07th Sep 2023 (4/12) 12 4
31st Aug 2023 (2/8) 8 2
24th Aug 2023 (3/8) 8 3
17th Aug 2023 (5/14) 14 5
10th Aug 2023 (3/11) 11 3
03rd Aug 2023 (3/12) 12 3
27th Jul 2023 (4/13) 13 4
20th Jul 2023 (3/8) 8 3
13th Jul 2023 (2/8) 8 2
06th Jul 2023 (3/10) 10 3
29th Jun 2023 (2/11) 11 2
22nd Jun 2023 (3/13) 13 3
15th Jun 2023 (4/12) 12 4
08th Jun 2023 (3/12) 12 3
01st Jun 2023 (3/11) 11 3
25th May 2023 (7/19) 19 7
18th May 2023 (3/11) 11 3
11th May 2023 (2/11) 11 2
04th May 2023 (3/10) 10 3
27th Apr 2023 (2/8) 8 2
20th Apr 2023 (2/11) 11 2
13th Apr 2023 (3/9) 9 3
06th Apr 2023 (2/10) 10 2
30th Mar 2023 (2/9) 9 2
23rd Mar 2023 (2/10) 10 2
16th Mar 2023 (2/10) 10 2
09th Mar 2023 (2/9) 9 2
02nd Mar 2023 (2/10) 10 2

Ring of Honor title matches

Date Matches Title
0/9 (15th February) 9 0
0/9 (08th February) 9 0
0/9 (01st February) 9 0
0/12 (25th January) 12 0
0/15 (18th January) 15 0
0/9 (11th January) 9 0
0/13 (04th January) 13 0
0/9 (28th December) 9 0
0/7 (21st December) 7 0
0/10 (14th December) 10 0
0/11 (07th December) 11 0
0/11 (01st December) 11 0
0/13 (23rd November) 13 0
0/7 (16th November) 7 0
0/9 (09th November) 9 0
0/10 (02nd November) 10 0
0/11 (26th October) 11 0
0/10 (19th October) 10 0
0/12 (12th October) 12 0
0/13 (05th October) 13 0
0/12 (28th September) 12 0
0/13 (21st September) 13 0
0/10 (14th September) 10 0
0/11 (07th September) 11 0
0/12 (31st August) 12 0
0/8 (24th August) 8 0
0/8 (17th August) 8 0
0/14 (10th August) 14 0
0/11 (03rd August) 11 0
0/12 (27th July) 12 0
0/13 (20th July) 13 0
0/8 (13th July) 8 0
0/8 (06th July) 8 0
0/10 (29th June) 10 0
0/11 (22nd June) 11 0
0/13 (15th June) 13 0
0/12 (08th June) 12 0
0/12 (01st June) 12 0
0/11 (25th May) 11 0
0/19 (18th May) 19 0
0/11 (11th May) 11 0
0/11 (04th May) 11 0
0/10 (27th April) 10 0
0/8 (20th April) 8 0
0/11 (13th April) 11 0
0/9 (06th April) 9 0
0/10 (30th March) 10 0
0/9 (23rd March) 9 0
0/10 (16th March) 10 0
0/10 (09th March) 10 0
0/9 (02nd March) 9 0

Matches by Year

2023184 singles, 118 womens matches, 88 tag, 9 womens tag, 41 trios, 3 womens trios and group matches.

Title wins & retentions

World Title 0 wins & 6 rententions.

Womens 0 wins & 12 retentions.

Tag Team 0 wins & 2 retentions.

Pure Title 0 wins & 7 retentions.

TV Title 0 wins & 9 retentions.

Trios World Title 0 wins & 8 retentions.

    Interferences during matches


    Distractions during matches


    Ringside for matches


    Beatdowns after matches


Recent Matches

22nd February 2024

15th February 2024

8th February 2024