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Toa Liona

25 Ring of Honor, 2 Zero Hour, 2 Death before Dishonor, 2 Final Battle, 2 Supercard of Honor 4 AEW & 0 other matches.

Singles Record

Match Ring of Honor Zero Hour Final Battle Supercard of Honor Death before Dishonor AEW Other Debut
Debut 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


192 days since their last title match.

Womens Title

0 title reigns with 1 retentions, lost the title 0 times with 0 failed opportunities.

Tag Team Title

0 title reigns with 0 retentions, lost the title 0 times with 1 failed opportunity.

Trios Title

0 title reigns with 10 retentions, lost the title 0 times with 0 failed opportunities.

  • Beaten Twice

  • Hammered Them

  • Faction History

    Win Rates

    Matches & Wins via month

    Date Matches Winner
    Jan 2024 (0/1) 1 0
    Dec 2023 (2/2) 2 2
    Nov 2023 (2/2) 2 2
    Oct 2023 (3/3) 3 3
    Sep 2023 (4/5) 5 4
    Aug 2023 (4/4) 4 4
    Jul 2023 (4/4) 4 4
    Jun 2023 (4/4) 4 4
    May 2023 (2/2) 2 2
    Mar 2023 (4/4) 4 4
    Dec 2022 (1/1) 1 1
    Oct 2022 (0/1) 1 0
    Jul 2022 (1/1) 1 1
    Apr 2022 (1/1) 1 1